Successfully accomplished compulsory school & incomplete apprenticeship
In ’96 moved to Vienna with his first tattoo machines
Since ’98 permanently on the road as a tattoo artist
Since ’99 with constant internet presence
In early ’00 mentioned for the first time in specialized press (more publishments)
’01 Co-founder of the merchandise label
Since ’01 mainly situated in Berlin/Germany
Early ’05 CEO of the Sign-of-Liberty Gallery in Berlin, the first tattoo studio, which was also an art gallery, until it was closed in ’14 it provided room for exhibitions and diverse projects of all kinds, incl. the in 2011 shot MTV CRIBS Parody, which provides a closer look behind the scenes
’05 the first recordings for the music project take place
’07 the first own comprehensive exhibition at “Kombinat-Darmstadt”
Regularly working in numerous guestspots, incl. Berlin and Linz, where still occasional appointments are available, as well as at irregular intervals in other cities (see Tour Dates)
’18 a pre-trial detention in the correctional institution Wels (A) was successfully completed with subsequent conviction – possibly without any reason, but of course not without further consequences …!