… toujours avec des mises à jour régulières dans la galerie et les dates de tournées actuelles – bonne visite!
À partir de l'automne 23, l'actuel "Annuaire des tatoueurs" sera disponible dans les kiosques à journaux allemands ainsi qu'en Autriche, en Suisse et au BeneLux.…
If you are interested in investing in NFTs, I would like to recommend you my steady growing selection of unique tokens on OpenSea. For questions,…
Until further notice, within the EU unfortunately ONLY colorless tattoos can be made! According to information from various ink producers, "REACH-compliant" colors will be offered…
New and well-proven King-of-Style designs are now available online at the exclusive Move2be-Shop. Just pick your favorite designs and choose between shirts, hoodies, tops, caps,…
Imprisoned on false charges and after that wrongly convicted, Bammer is being held to claim his innocence by further lawsuits against him on slander and…
André a termine sa formation de trois ans et demi chez Bammer, l'été 2012. Ses travaux en mettent plein la vue. Aussi, nous recommandons chaleureusement…
All customers with complex, already completed, tattoo projects are invited to get in contact with Bammer, if it has not happened up to now. If there…
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